Social Responsibility Therapy books and workbooks

Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults

The Use of Victim-Offender Communication in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse

Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults

Social Responsibility Therapy Manual

This Social Responsibility Therapy treatment manual provides   a comprehensive explanation of Social Responsibility Therapy for multiple forms of unhealthy, harmful behavior, its advantages, evidence-base, multicultural treatment approach, understanding how unhealthy, harmful behavior was acquired, maintained and generalized to other problem areas, implementation methods and the treatment protocol. 

The Clinician's Guide to Social Responsibility Therapy

The Use of Victim-Offender Communication in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse

Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults

Social Responsibility Therapy Clinician's Guide

This clinician’s guide provides practical case examples and exercises with theory and research support on the treatment of unhealthy, harmful behaviors. Healthy Behavior Success Skills to help clients manage unhealthy, harmful behaviors are described with detailed instructions. Teaching clients the Healthy Relationship Success Skills needed to develop support for positive change is explained in detail.

The Use of Victim-Offender Communication in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse

The Use of Victim-Offender Communication in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse

The Use of Victim-Offender Communication in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse


Therapists of sexual abuse survivors and sexual offenders have a social responsibility to assure that any survivor-offender meetings conducted are wanted by survivors, safe, therapeutic and do no harm. Three intervention models for therapeutic communication between sexual abuse offenders and their survivors with safeguards and case examples are described in this monograph.  

How did I get this problem? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 1

How did I get this problem? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 1

The Use of Victim-Offender Communication in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse

Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 1

This client workbook was structured to help individuals struggling with unhealthy, harmful behaviors answer the question "How did I get this problem?" and begin doing something about it.  

Why do I keep doing this? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 2

How did I get this problem? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 1

How did my problem spread? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 3

Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 2

This client workbook was structured to help individuals struggling with unhealthy, harmful behaviors answer the question “Why do I keep doing this?” and learn how to break their cycle.

How did my problem spread? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 3

How did I get this problem? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 1

How did my problem spread? Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 3

Social Responsibility Therapy Workbook 3

This client workbook was structured to help individuals struggling with unhealthy, harmful behaviors answer the question “How did my problem spread?” and make positive changes that impact multiple problem areas.